2/11/2025 12:55:59 AM

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    On the International Day of Violence Against Children: himaya Stresses the Importance of Child Protection During Times of War

    20 november 2024

    As the world marks the International Day of Violence Against Children, it is impossible to ignore Lebanon’s grim reality—a country grappling with the devastating effects of war. Yet, as is often the case, it is the children who suffer the most. According to recent statistics, 1323 children were injured and 228 lost their lives to war. Approximately 875,180 people have been displaced since the onset of the conflict, with children under the age of 18 accounting for 35% of this figure—around 306,313 young lives.


    The ongoing conflict and displacement strip children of their fundamental rights to protection, shelter, health, and education, while exposing them to heightened risks of different forms of abuse. The sights and sounds of war and displacement can cause trauma in children comparable to that resulting from direct exposure to violence, which calls for immediate and specialized intervention to provide the necessary support.


    In response to this urgent crisis, himaya has intensified its efforts to address the psychological and social needs of children and their families by offering psychosocial support to those suffering from the war's consequences.

    Additionally, himaya’s dedicated team and trained volunteers have mobilized across Lebanon to organize recreational activities for children, and disseminate awareness messages on protection to children, parents, and caregivers in shelters and affected communities, to mitigate risks of abuse, and to provide psychological first aid that foster resilience among the most vulnerable. And since frontline workers are indispensable in this crisis, himaya has also delivered training sessions to build their capacities and safeguard their mental well-being, enabling them to continue their vital humanitarian mission.


    “As strong advocates for children’s right to protection and a dignified life, even during crises, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to stand by them and their families, now more than ever,” said Serge Saad, Executive Director of himaya.


    himaya’s 24/7 hotlines remain available to report cases of abuse and provide psychosocial support to children and families affected by the war. For additional resources and guidance, we encourage parents and caregivers to visit our social media platforms.



    himaya’s social media platforms:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himayaleb/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/himayaleb/

    • On the International Day of Violence Against Children: himaya Stresses the Importance of Child Protection During Times of War
    • On the International Day of Violence Against Children: himaya Stresses the Importance of Child Protection During Times of War
    • On the International Day of Violence Against Children: himaya Stresses the Importance of Child Protection During Times of War

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